Fitness With Kindness

Kindness is the way to your fitness goals

Fitness culture: sex, machismo, shame, aggression. Is this really what’s needed to pursue physical change? The Whee! Way™ is rooted in kindness and charts a sustainable path to achieve your fitness goals.

Why Whee! Fitness?

  • Fitness starts with kindness. Our bodies are amazing gifts and we are loved by the universe just as we are. In the Whee! Way, we don’t pursue change to be loved; we pursue change to more fully experience the reality of our belovedness.

  • At Whee! trainers come to you! A big part of fitness sustainability is making it happen with the space and equipment you have easiest access to. We help you build a fitness rhythm that fits into your life because it fits into your space.

  • Our ability to live a healthy, full life is not dependent on our weight - people are healthy at lots of different sizes! Still, people have a variety of good reasons for wanting to lose weight, including the fact that weight loss can help increase physical capacity.

    Our approach to nutrition is uncomplicated, patient, and grounded in science. We do not prescribe a “diet,” but work with you step-by-step to implement small, sustainable changes.

  • Aging is a paradox: limitations are inevitable, yet the cumulative effect of training can result in unprecedented capability. Getting strong takes time! Building your physical capacity energizes life and provides optimism for the future.

    Workout efficiently and effectively with multi-joint movements that make you better at life: Get up from the ground, pick up heavy objects, put things overhead. These movements will prepare you for anything and keep you moving well into old age.

    Whee! personal training is for everyone! You do not have to be in shape to start. All movements and workouts can be adapted to your current fitness level.

  • You are the expert of your own body! Our goal is to give you the confidence to take charge of your fitness. At Whee! we think of ourselves as “fitness tutors” as much as “fitness trainers.” We teach the “why” behind the “what” so you feel confident walking into any gym, following any program, or creating your own workouts at home, for the rest of your life.

Who is Whee! Fitness for?

  • Do aches and pains simply increase exponentially into old age, or can you be in the best shape of your life in your 50s, 60s and beyond? It is possible and attainable. Let Whee! help transform your physical rhythms so you look forward to aging.

  • Fitness culture is ridiculous. Body-shaming, fear-mongering, outrageous promises, the list goes on and on. At Whee!, our highest priority is to make the fitness journey compelling and help you feel (not look) better. A joyful fitness rhythm is a sustainable rhythm, and rhythms that are sustained over time can bring incredible changes.

  • Curious about high-intensity functional fitness, but unsure where to start? Showing up at a new gym with an unfamiliar workout style can be very intimidating. At Whee! We walk with you every step of the way, introducing movements and workouts at a level and pace customized to you.

  • Losing weight is hard and there are no magic bullets. The journey, however, is rich with opportunity to practice the Whee! Way, growing in self-compassion while courageously building sustainable new habits. Let Whee! walk with you to meet your weight goals!

Dave Kwok, Principal

I have always been interested in fitness, but as a short, skinny kid consistently picked last on the playground, I was never very confident pursuing it (especially in the weight room). I serendipitously found functional fitness just before I turned 40, and it has transformed my physical life. Unexpectedly, my fitness rhythms have become emotional and spiritual anchors as well. Recently, at age 50, I became a CrossFit Level 1 Trainer. While I wish someone had shown me the power of physical fitness when I was younger, I am looking forward to many more years of exploring my physicality.